The Great Space Cowboy Mystery - Dinner Theatre

By Cab Calloway School of the Arts (other events)

3 Dates Through Feb 29, 2020

Cab Calloway's 3rd annual dinner theatre event is back! An Improv murder mystery written by Cab Calloway Student Zach Hitchens. Come see the Great Space Cowboy Mystery in the Cab Cafeteria on February 20th, 28th, and 29th! It’ll be an exciting night full of fun, adventure, and mystery as you come board a spaceship with Captain Shamalamadingdong and and his crew as they journey to save a princess, battle some aliens, travel the galaxy and catch a murderer! Doors open at 5:30 pm. Tickets are $17 for students and $25 for adults, and dinner is included!

Cab Calloway School of the Arts